
Thursday, March 13, 2014

Birch Lodge, Trout Lake MI Update 2014 Part One.....

Birch Lodge, Trout Lake, MI
We have finished our fourth year now at the motel, and work still continues on the lodge.  This year we finally started on making the rooms into suites.  Removing some non-bearing walls,  Closing some doorways, and re-opening some others that had been closed.  More bathrooms added.  The floor plan is now adjusted for an 8 unit bed and breakfast.

We still have finish work to do, but five of the suites have finished baths now, and have been re-wired, plumbed and painted.  We also have new furnaces in the lodge with air conditioning!    Pictures are greater than words, so here are some before, durings, and afters!

Downstairs Lakefront is the old Dr.'s Suite:
Dr.'s Suite Before

Dr.s Suite After

Across the hall from the Dr.s Suite, were four small bedrooms.  These have now been transformed into a suite with a bedroom, a sitting room and a large bathroom.  This is planned to be handicap friendly, and we will be installing a ramp on the side door of the lodge.

Handicap Suite in Progress

Handicap Bath in Progress

On the second floor over the old Dr.s Suite were two lakefront rooms, a double one nearest the stairway, and a small blue bedroom with two twin beds.
2nd Floor Lakefront over Dr.'s Suite Before

2nd Floor Blue Bedroom Before
 These rooms have been transformed into a lakefront suite with bath, bedroom and sitting room. The wall with the alcove doorway was removed,

Old alcove doorway coming out, new alcove doorway cut into blue bedroom

 and a similar alcove doorway added in the wall to the blue bedroom... now the sitting room.   A new bath was also added.
New Lakefront Suite (view from previous Blue Bedroom)

New Bath

Next blog we will continue upstairs......


  1. It is looking absolutely fantastic! Gorgeous ... can't wait to see it in person someday.

  2. OMG, I'm so excited to see this beauty in person.
