
Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Loons on the Lake....Trout Lake, MI!

In the evening the light comes across the lake and illuminates the birches in front of Birch Lodge with a beautiful glow.  This is the time I like to walk along the frontage and reflect on the day.

 The loons have been very active this year, and we have frequently had one pair out in front of Birch Lodge.  Others seem to come and go, initiating a great deal of calling and display.

Last evening, I decided to walk down to the beach, and noticed as I walked along that I was being a loon.

At first I thought this was coincidence, but I paused....and so did it.  I continued on, and so did the loon!  I sat on the beach a bit, and it sat in the lake watching me....STRANGE!

It's mate began to call down in front of the lodge . There was no action from my little stalker, but I got up and began to walk back....of course it followed along.

 When we returned it rejoined its mate as I sat in front of the motel and thought about it.  I noticed that I had on black jeans, a black jacket and a white turtleneck....could it be it thought I was a real BIG loon?   Perhaps it was right!

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