
Sunday, September 4, 2011

Fall Colors at Trout Lake, MI

The calendar may still say it is summer, but we know it is now fall. The first leaves are starting to change, some subtle gold and burgundy are giving color to the backdrop of green that surrounds Birch Lodge.

The birch trees have not started to color, nor have the sugar maple that make such a statement with their orange and red colors, but we know it will come soon. The nights have been dipping into the forties and the sunlight has taken on that strong low autumnal glow as it sets, illuminating the bark on the birch with a Maxfield Parish-like glow.

The fall flowers are also now in full bloom.

The native goldenrod, asters and the joe pye weed along the lake rival any perennial bed.
Lake edge blooms

Less showy, but still favorites of mine are the orange jewel-weed and white turtle head blossoms.

Birch lodge has always been a special place to see the colors in the fall. The wind often goes still in the morning, and the gold of the birches, and orange and red of the maples on the Birch Shores peninsula are reflected in the mirror-like water. So beautiful. Also, the fall is a time of quiet here, most of the cottages on the lake are summer homes, and after Labor Day, most of the owners close their cottages and head south.

Our season is slower after Labor Day, but we plan to stay open as long as weather permits, hopefully into November. The heat is on in the motel, and if you have a chance, come on up and see the beauty of fall here. The kettle is on, and I'm getting in the mood for some pumpkin spice cookies!

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