Easter afternoon found us at Birch Lodge. The weather was beautiful, and we packed the left-over ham and potato salad, and planned to stay a couple of days. The weather was beautiful, and we took advantage of it to walk the grounds and make plans for the coming summer. (By the way, the photo of the Tundra Swan I took here last week, but it was too pretty not to use!)
At the north end of the beach, Bill spotted a fresh beaver cut stump. Years back the river at the other end of the property had a beaver dam across it, but it has been a while since there had been any fresh beaver activity. Beaver can raise havoc on property, but coming from downstate, we still think they are something to see.

When we got back down to the motel we heard a familiar kee-kee-kee and looked up to see an osprey hovering on the wind above us. By the time we got the camera he had perched in a tree along the river behind the motel.

Later, a second one flew over the wood line and they both disappeared from sight. I always remembered osprey here, and it was nice to see them again.
Sunset was beautiful, and kept getting better.

The next morning, I happened to notice a motion in the water from the motel window. The beaver was swimming by on his way to work... I managed to get one photo before he smacked his tail and was gone. A fitting start to our morning as we needed to get our "tails" in gear and get busy as this guy.

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